Recently, my husband has been asking me a lot of questions about what I want. I know that sounds deep, but really he just couldn't figure out what to get me for my birthday. As I've been trying to come up with the perfect birthday wish, I've been really convicted of my selfishness. I don't really need for anything, but I love getting presents so I don't let that little fact get in the way of a new outfit, jewelry, or what-have-you. Lately, however, I have been feeling this little tug to live out my faith better - to get involved in being the hands and feet of the body of Christ.
I go to church. I read my bible. I pray. I tithe. I go through the motions. My main mission front right now is my family, but I often find myself being lazy in that and using it as an excuse to neglect other outreaches because I'm "too busy". So, for my birthday this year, I'm working on finding a way to contribute in the midst of "too busy". Kids in rough situations has always been one of my tender spots, so I figure that's a pretty good place to start. I've always wanted to get involved with kids in the foster care system (like Cole does in this book), but at this point that's not an option for our family, so God gave me another idea via the radio this morning *Pats self on back for book tie-in*. If you want to find out more, go to Compassion International and see how you can help.
Now I'm off to convince my husband of my brilliance and find another great read. Happy bookworming!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What a fun premise! Two people competing to make their dreams come true, but an eccentric benefactor throws a wrench in everyone's plans.
I like Cole. He's very humble and generous - from his intent for winning the competition to the way he treats PJ even when she is pretty horrible to him - but PJ bugs me. I think part of it is that she reminds me of the worst parts of myself, especially my tendencies to be hotheaded and speak without thinking, but it's also that she's very selfish - very baby-of-the-family stereotype with something akin to a princess complex.
I feel like this book was less spiritually focused and much shallower in that regard, which was a bummer for me. Other than the few "please, God"s both characters seem lacking in this area, and there wasn't any deepening as the plot progressed. PJ has a weird spiritual flip flop from not paying about anything to heartfelt prayers for Cole - then right back to the occasional "please give me what I want, God". Cole has good overall character growth giving him a note dynamic feel, but PJ is a very static character.
The romance...WOW. Steamy! Even had my pulse spiking a couple times. Really well written in that regard.
All in all, it was entertaining and still much better than it's secular counterparts. Even with occasional inconsistencies and some superficial characters, I really like Denise's writing and storytelling abilities, and this one is definitely worth a read.
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